Here are the pots all full of compost, with a seed or two in each one, and watered in.
(See previous post in case you missed the significance of newspaper pots to my life!)
They are sitting in the greenhouse catching warm rays and missing out on the incessant wind that is whipping away the cobwebs of winter in literal and metaphorical fashion!
Today I planted courgette (zucchini) patty pan squash, marrow, artichoke, basil, coleus (decorative not edible!) and a few sunflower seeds from last year's sunflowers.
I am trying my hand at a Mendelian experiment.
Last year I had white sunflower seeds from a sunflower I had grown the previuos year.
I planted only a small number of seeds, and the result was one white and one black - seeded sunflower head.
I assume this means the black seeds are a recessive gene.
So, this year I am planting equal amounts of black and white seeds (4 pots of three seeds each) in pots to see if the ratio of black to white resulting confirms my theory.
Should have half black and hlaf white form the white seeds and only black from the black ones if my hypothesis is correct.
Watch this space!
Love your newspaper pots, I had forgotten we had seen that:) I am sad I can't do a garden this year, I am itching to get into the dirt and plant something:)