We've had high winds here....I'm so glad I managed to photograph a few blossoms before they all blew off!
Cherry blossom and a rare blue sky! |
Cox's apple blossom - the plan is to espalier this tree once I have excavated space to plant it! |
Quince - this was a tangled mess under a shady window. I've managed to tidy it up, with resulting reward... |
One of my favourites: Dicentra, or "Bleeding hearts" dangling delicately over the fish pond |
Dicentra flowers a little closer up. Aren't they lovely? |
Flowering currant blossom. We didn't realize we had this until we removed a tonne of ivy and mahonia. Its a huge leggy shrub - I'll prune it a little more each year to nurse it back to full glory. | |
And last but not least, the Bramley apple blossom from the two large cooking apple trees at the "Wild' end of the garden. |
So far it seems to have been a good year for apples, unlike last year's disaster year.
Our two Bramleys are rather precious, as they produce marvellous apples which we can chop and freeze for cooking, and they are great for climbing for Anna.
This photo does not do them justice....but they are looking so much better for two years careful and consistent pruning (Using your advice Paula! Thanks...)
They were so entangled and overgrown that there was no light to the limbs.
This winter I will cut the height down, having shrunk the branches and removed the cross growth. Should have perfect trees then.
There is plenty of new growth coming, so I am happy!! I didn't kill them!
also if you turn the individual Flower upside down (dicentra), and pull either end it also becomes lady in the bath, i forget where i first heard this little gem..but try it and see. pxxx