The latest news from the hive: my bees have been coming home with loaded knees!
They are bringing in pollen - which is new - meaning that they are storing up food for larvae.
And THAT means my queen bee is laying eggs.....all is going as it should.
Pollen can come in a huge number of different colours and shades. If the bees store enough of it, you can end up with honey comb that looks like a mosaic of hexagonal colours! (Blue, black, red, brown, yellow, green, orange....)
I am itching (not with hives) to open up the brood box and see what they are up to, but I have to wait at least until next Wednesday when they will have had two weeks to get established. I'll just have to be satisfied with taking a quick peak in through a hole in the crown board when I change the feed bucket. There was a mass of bees crawling all over the place last time I peaked....and the bees had eaten at least 3lbs of sugar after one week.
The other positive news is that the weather has improved vastly, so the bees are getting out and about a good deal to forage.
Will report further on Wednesday......
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